Router & Modem Problems: Things We Need To Know

Sometimes, we have problems with the internet, such as unstable, slow connections and so on. The best way to handle it is by restart your device. Simply put, Unplug your router, wait ten seconds, then reinstall it.

You might not think of it like this, but a router is like a computer. Inside the plastic box are the CPU, memory and local storage, all of which run the operating system. And like a computer, things can go wrong from time to time. There might be a bug that causes memory leaks, maybe the CPU is overheating, or maybe a kernel panic is exploded completely, thereby that’s why your router and modem is reducing system performance.

Is there any simplest fix for this Router & Modem problem?

Yes, one of the most effective and usually first steps is to restart the device. Just like on a computer, you might not solve anything that causes the router to crash, but you can let it start over. Of course, this might not fix systematic problems, but usually, this solves many problems in the short term. If the problem persists, you can use the services of Rhenus Lupprians. They provide professional network installation services to deal with routers and modem problems.

What Causes a Router or Modem to Fail?

As with most hardware devices, there are many possible reasons why our router is not ideal for work and requires a restart. Here are some potential reasons:

Running for too long: Just like a computer, your router can sometimes crash because it is too “tired” to run, or because of a bug in the firmware that takes up too much memory or also causes kernel panic.

IP address conflict: Your router manages private and public IP addresses, and sometimes it can be messed up too. If two devices on your network have the same IP address, or if your router doesn’t have the latest public IP address, the connection might be damaged. Restarting the router will reset this IP assignment so that everything works normally again.

Too hot: Like any computer, our router can be too hot, especially if you keep it in a closed room to hide it from view, it can cause stop working.

There are more potential reasons, but this is the most common. However, there are several solutions below besides rebooting and actually, it’s relatively simple.

Router Firmware Update

If your computer has persistent bugs, software solutions can often fix the problem. The same thing applies to routers, where they also need to be updated. The process is quite simple, you usually only need to open a web browser, type the IP address of your router, and look for the Update button. A firmware update should be able to fix various problems that hit this device.

Also, check for overheating

Computers that are lagged or not working are usually due to heat, and routers can also be like that. If it feels hot when you pull it out, consider trying to solve this heat problem. For example, your router might have ventilation, make sure they are not closed like you do for computers. If your router is full of dust, consider cleaning it with some clean air pressure (don’t wash it with water).