Money Saving Tips For a Plant-Based Eater On a Budget

Many people wrongly believe that eating a plant-based diet is more expensive than others, yet this simply isn’t the case. If anything, it is much cheaper than a meat based diet! Not to mention how nutritious it is, as well as being extremely eco-friendly. All of these things make it the perfect diet for anyone on a budget! If you’re looking for a few ways to cut down on the cost of your vegan weekly food shop, look no further.

1. Cook in Bulk!

Buying ingredients and cooking in bulk is a really cost effective way of preparing your meals. It also means that less food will go to waste, so it’s a win-win! Get yourself some freezable tubs and label them with the contents and date. Most foods are safe to freeze for up to 6 months, but I’m sure they won’t last that long.

Soups, mixed bean chilli, lentil bolognese, vegetable curries and pasta sauces are just a few of the different things that freeze really well and are easy to cook. If you batch cook a couple of new recipes each week, you will build up plenty of meals in your freezer. This way, you won’t end up eating soup for lunch and chilli for dinner five nights in a row!

2. Buy Fruits and Veggies Rather Than Meat Substitutes

Vegan meat substitutes are still relatively new to the market, meaning their price is quite high. There are exceptions to this rule and budget supermarkets offer great options, however if you’re wanting to save money, it might be best to opt for buying lots of fruits and vegetables rather than ‘vegan’ products. They’re also so healthy for you, so are perfect for when you get home, take off your favourite gym leggings, get comfy and are ready for a nutritious meal to fuel your body.

You can do so much with fruits, vegetables and wholegrains, meaning you won’t miss buying vegan sausages or burgers. Of course you can treat yourself every now and again, but if you’re short of money towards the end of the month, this is a great option. Try using a new vegetable each week that you’ve never tried before in your cooking to keep things interesting!

3. Opt For Frozen Fruit and Vegetables

Whilst fresh fruits and vegetables are cheaper than meat substitutes, an even better option is to go for frozen fruit and veg. They last for months meaning nothing will go to waste and they taste just as good in cooking! My favourites are frozen summer berries and mango for smoothies, frozen peppers for stir fry’s and fajitas and frozen spinach for pasta dishes. 250g of frozen spinach is about the same as a fresh bag, so simply weigh it out and add to your dish slightly earlier than you would with fresh spinach. Or, you could cook it down in a separate pan to prevent excess water.

4. Try Growing Your Own Fruit, Vegetables and Herbs

Although fresh fruit and vegetables aren’t very expensive, being able to have them for free is obviously a much better option! Also, it is far more environmentally friendly as your produce won’t have had to travel or be imported to get to you. It’s also really fun, so you can throw on your favourite loungewear set, spend a bit of time in the garden and get reacquainted with nature.

Starting your own allotment can be daunting to begin with, however you will soon pick up the skills you need. Most towns have allotment spaces available that you can rent, or perhaps you’re lucky enough to have some spare room in your back garden that you can utilise.

Grow seasonal produce so that you have different things available all throughout the year. If you don’t feel you have the time for this, then growing herbs in pots is a great alternative. They’re easy to maintain and will save you so much money on buying fresh herbs each week. My staples are rosemary, basil and coriander!