9 Elegant and Effective Ways to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

Many people are less familiar or wonder what impostor syndrome is. This is a condition in which the sufferer feels un entitled to success.

They always felt that what they achieved today was just a coincidence based on luck. It’s not the result of his hard work.

Common symptoms of impostor syndrome include being hesitant, feeling inappropriate with the achieved, or anxious not being able to meet the expectations of others.

Do you feel impostor syndrome too? Don’t grieve.

You can overcome the syndrome so as not to attack your mind and soul much. Here are 9 ways to overcome impostor syndrome that you can try.

1. Admit Your Feelings

When you feel something that is a sign of impostor syndrome, don’t hide it or store it. As an early stage, you have to admit to feeling that way.

Then write that feeling and also write why you can feel that way. Try to write it down with the specifics and details of the perceived situation.

When you write it down, you’ll see that there’s nothing to worry about from the situation.

Remember, feelings are not a reality. So, don’t because you feel inappropriate, it doesn’t mean the facts are like that.

From now on learn to always think, “I can do this assignment because….”.

2. Talk To People You Trust

The way to overcome impostor syndrome that you can immediately do is to share your story with people you trust.

Like friends or relatives who have indeed been a part of your life for most of your age. Your level of trust in them will affect the quality of the story you will share with them.

Don’t be surprised, when you talk to people you trust, they’ve felt the same way you feel. By telling the symptoms of impostor syndrome, you can get enlightenment. Don’t forget to take promind complex supplements so that the brain can remember easily.

Listen to their experience in solving this. Then let them help you release irrational anxieties.

3. Understand Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Everyone must be endowed with strengths and weaknesses at once. No one is always strong, and no one is constantly weak. These two things support each other.

By realizing the strengths and weaknesses that exist in you, then you are building confidence firmly.

Apply personalized SWOT analysis or do some sort of assessment to explore what your strengths are. At the same time, how to minimize your shortcomings.

By knowing the strengths and weaknesses in yourself, then you will no longer spend your time and life worrying about things that you don’t have to worry about.

You will realize that you have the power to carry out a given task and be able to perform it properly.

4. Beat Perfectionism

This fourth point you have to understand. That most people who have impostor syndrome are perfectionist figures.

This lover of perfection often set high targets and immediately felt guilty when encountering failure.

If you’re a perfectionist too, from now on change not to be an ever-perfectionist figure. Learn how to set a realistic target.

Setting a high target is not a mistake. It becomes a mistake when you don’t realize that you can’t make it happen.

Set targets that you can indeed achieve. Then learn to accept failure as part of your efforts to achieve success.

Instead of just looking at mistakes made, it’s better to make it a valuable experience so you can become a better figure in the next day.

5. Have Your Success

People with impostor syndrome are often difficult to praise. When their work reaches the target, it is always associated with external things such as other people’s help or luck.

But when they fail, they’ll blame themselves straight away.

To overcome impostor syndrome such as the condition, you simply acknowledge that such success is the fruit of the ability you have. Not because of external factors.

Don’t forget to take note of the positives you get from the task. Learn to receive praise and make it a useful input for yourself.

Write that you are worthy or worthy enough of the job.

6. Be Kind to Yourself

When you have impostor syndrome, it’s as if there’s a voice in your mind that said “you’re not as smart as them” or other negative-pitched voices.

If this is allowed, it will become a bad habit that has less impact on both your life and your work.

Instead of you struggling with negative thoughts and voices in your head, it’s better to turn them into positive think.

This not only keeps you out of stress but also helps you build courage doing the things that will give you the best award.

Once you start thinking negatively like “Ah it’s just a fortune” then instantly change with thoughts like “What have I done and the steps taken to reach this point?”.

Then you proceed by answering the question with a positive statement.

7. Say “Yes” to New Opportunities

It’s not going to be able to say “yes” to everything, especially when you’re feeling stressed. However, this is precisely a “justification” for those with impostor syndrome.

Especially when it comes to offers or opportunities to improve your career that you then feel like something you won’t be able to live with.

When you get a challenging opportunity, there will be two different “voices”.

One says that you are less proficient with the opportunities that come. Another mentions if you do deserve the opportunity.

The first thing is called impostor syndrome. To overcome such impostor syndrome, train yourself to always say “yes” to the opportunities that come.

Even if you’re not sure you can do it. To that said, learn how to do it after you say “yes” to the offer.

8. Focus on The Values You Can Provide

When carrying out what is your job or daily life, you can find a party that looks down on your work.

They will criticize as good as any result you do. When encountering such conditions, do not lose focus.

Instead of taking care of other people’s negative views of you, it’s better to focus on what you can give to others. What can you do to benefit others?

Because if you are too focused on oblique views or criticism of others, then you will allow yourself into the trap of impostor syndrome.

Think of those who will benefit from what you do. That’s better than struggling with negative thoughts because of other people’s comments or bad views towards you.

9. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Everyone is created differently. Even those with identical twins will have a difference.

Therefore, never compare yourself to others. Especially those who are indeed more successful than yourself.

The more you compare yourself to others, the more you will sink into the feelings that will lead to impostor syndrome.

Your goal is not to compare with the success of others. However, compare any work you have done yourself.

So you will know more about yourself that will be useful in developing capacity according to the talents you have.